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Andrew Fletcher
Working with Docker can be a rewarding but occasionally frustrating experience, especially when dealing with development libraries and extensions that rely on external repositories. In this article, I’ll walk you through the trials and errors I encountered while setting up PECL and APCu in a PHP 8.2 Docker container. The process was full of lessons, dead ends, and ultimately, a working solution.   The goal: Installing APCu via PECL in Docker The main goal was to install APCu (Alternative...
Andrew Fletcher
Introduction For a while now, one persistent issue has been bugging me: a...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently, I encountered an issue where my local Docker environment refused to...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently I came across this piece of gold when dealing with databases,...
Andrew Fletcher
These steps are for Drupal 8 and 9.   Export your database Order here is...
Andrew Fletcher
The issue of over 300 simultaneous database connections in the context of AWS and Drupal can have several potential causes. Here are some common factors to consider: Server Configuration Check your server configuration to ensure it can handle the expected number of simultaneous connections. This includes parameters like max_connections in your database server configuration. Traffic or Load Spike A sudden increase in traffic or load on your Drupal site can lead to more simultaneous database...
Andrew Fletcher
Docker containers list To view a list of Docker containers that are currently...
Andrew Fletcher
By default the maximum file upload size is set to 2MB.  It is not a...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in an AWS ec2 environment, my goal is to access the server via...
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: I want to download a table list to a txt or csv file. Initially, as a root...
Andrew Fletcher
Build the PHP base image with apache-buster using the Dockerfile.base Since JN blocks some libraries update and pull, follow the following steps to build the base image locally. Run the following command to build the base PHP image: Make sure you are in the project root directory before running the command and its a fresh window after changing the proxy docker build -f Dockerfile.base -t apachebuster8 .Errors running docker command If you experience errors when attempting to run the command...
Andrew Fletcher
As a web developer, you will most likely need to run local copies of a bunch of...
Andrew Fletcher
On your local OSX environment using Terminal or iTerm you can create a MySQL...
Andrew Fletcher
This article assumes that you are running Docker and Lando already.  Don't...
Andrew Fletcher
Running Docker Dangerous word... I'm assuming that Docker is installed....