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Andrew Fletcher
How to apply a gradient tint over a background image? Set the background image The first step is to set the background image.  I wanted the image to cover the entire device, so scale aspect fill will be required. self.backgroundImage = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "bgkMain")) self.backgroundImage.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill self.view.insertSubview(self.backgroundImage, at: 0)  Set the tint layer With the background in place, next construct the tint layer.  To make...
Andrew Fletcher
To copy the content of a directory /source to another existing directory...
Andrew Fletcher
First transfer the drupal-8.8.x.tar.gz file to your directory Via your ssh...
Andrew Fletcher
To get your ip address in Terminal on OSX on WIFI ipconfig getifaddr en0Whereas...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on formatting the date in Xcode, and you come across the situation where...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding a floating decimal point for n number of places is quite easy to achieve.  The key to understand is the receive an outcome of a fraction the numbers need to be Double.  So Int numbers will result in a whole number product.  By way of example: 80 / 3 = 26 We know that this result is incorrect.  To get the correct outcome the equation needs to be as follows: 80.0 / 3.0 = 26.666666666666667 If you have a whole number - add Double to the whole number.  So...
Andrew Fletcher
Using shell access you the site you want to add the Spyc library.  Then go...
Andrew Fletcher
During the process of building the app, there are warnings about the code....
Andrew Fletcher After a short amount searching...
Andrew Fletcher
If you have this error, the core issue is the dyld issue. dyld dyld is a...