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Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction into setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up documentation. POST command Following on from the GET command, to post a node to the site (currently staging) is quite quick.  To do so, complete the following: Request: {domain}/entity/node Content-Type: application/hal+json Accept: application/hal+json Body:  {"_links":{ "type":{"href":"{domain}/rest/type/node/{type}"}}, "title":[{"value": "Add title"}], "body":[{"value":...
Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction into setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up...
Andrew Fletcher
To POST an image is similar to the other posts mentioned on this site....
Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction to setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up...
Andrew Fletcher
The user API, was originally created under the General...
Andrew Fletcher
The development version of the app database is held on the staging site.  Note all development and testing will be completed on the staging site. Drupal 9 uses: HAL : Serializes entities using Hypertext Application Language. RESTful Web Services For testing purposes you can use either of the following Chrome extensions: Postman; DHC   Using Postman to perform a GET command for a node The get string is https:/{}/node/<nid>?_format=hal_json, where the...
Andrew Fletcher
The user parameters provides details about a specific user based...
Andrew Fletcher
Had the situation where you are running composer however, the scripts stops with...
Andrew Fletcher
This article references some of the common commands via CLI (command-line...
Andrew Fletcher
How can you find out if the Cordova plugins have been loaded? Begin by running...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating the Cordova plugins... there are two locations to manage the plugins config.xml package.json I was finding some Cordova functionality was not coming through... through further investigation the two files above had conflicting data.   Review the data package.json "cordova-browser": "6.0.0", "cordova-plugin-advanced-http": "3.3.1", "cordova-plugin-android-permissions": "^1.1.3", "cordova-plugin-device": "2.1.0", "cordova-plugin-file": "^7.0.0", ...
Andrew Fletcher
While working with lando, I had the following error ERROR: for safs_appserver_1...
Andrew Fletcher
Let say in composer.json you have "drupal/core-recommended": "^9.2" You're...
Andrew Fletcher
Running composer on a server... when running the command composer update, screen...
Andrew Fletcher
Have you tried to run a composer update script that...