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Andrew Fletcher
Twig error Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unknown "filter" tag. in Twig\Parser->subparse() (line 6 of themes/custom/{theme}/templates/views/views-view-field--products--field_product_type.html.twig).Line 6 of the views-view-field--products--field_product_type.html.twig file is  {% filter upper|escape('html') %}The actual Twig file code {% filter upper|escape('html') %} {{ view.field.field_product_type.original_value -}} {% endfilter %}In Drupal 10, this is producing the error noted above -...
Andrew Fletcher
Post upgrading from Drupal 9.5.10 to Drupal 10.1.3, I was seeing the following...
Andrew Fletcher
I need to generate a patch and then apply automatically to my Drupal...
Andrew Fletcher
In the terminal type, the following command: sudo apt updateAfter typing the...
Andrew Fletcher
To get Flysystem S3 ready for Drupal 10, I needed to apply the latest patch to...
Andrew Fletcher
To PATCH a user is to update an existing user... actually the current user logged in. An introduction to PATCH command can be viewed on the Node PATCH command screen.  Secondly, review the user API, as it outlines the structure for each of the fields that can be included.  Finally, if you haven't already reviewed the introduction into setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up documentation.  Also see the Query - user screen.  To be able to...
Andrew Fletcher
  Updating to Drupal 10 Begin by upgrading Drupal 9 to the latest version....
Andrew Fletcher
Attempting to run a composer update command, you know the one used...
Andrew Fletcher
Post creating a new branch in the repo, next step was to run the checkout...
Andrew Fletcher
On most of the sites I'm running the Google analytics ID is appearing....
Andrew Fletcher
Working in an AWS ec2 environment, my goal is to access the server via terminal. I initially work to get the instance ID.  With this ID, I'm able to connect to the server.  When first accessing the environment on the server the steps I take are: sudo docker psps - refers to the 'process status' Response CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 6a6402c2c0c8 a0094945b64e "docker-php-entrypoi…" 49 minutes ago Up 49...
Andrew Fletcher
How to set the Private file path in Drupal using the following steps: Create a...
Andrew Fletcher
This page will be a progressive outline of moving those regular run scripts that...
Andrew Fletcher
Using Composer to Manage Projects and if required their dependencies In this...
Andrew Fletcher
This issue I have a folder with about 10,000 files in it.  I want to scan...