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Andrew Fletcher
Drush open_basedir restriction error PHP Warning: include(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/share/drush/includes/ is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/{domain}/:/tmp/) in /usr/share/drush/drush on line 113 PHP Warning: include(/usr/share/drush/includes/ Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /usr/share/drush/drush on line 113 PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening '/usr/share/drush/includes/' for inclusion...
Andrew Fletcher
To determine the size of a directory using the terminal, you can use the du...
Andrew Fletcher
In many terminal text editors, you use find command as reference in Terminal...
Andrew Fletcher
You can use the pip list --outdated command to view a list of installed Python...
Andrew Fletcher
To begin, note that Lando is often used for web development and it may not be...
Andrew Fletcher
These steps are for Drupal 8 and 9.   Export your database Order here is important.  First you want to clear all the Drupal caches.  Then export / dump the db the sql database to a file in your home directory. drush cr drush sql-dump > path/to/your/file/ourpout/sql-dump-file-name.sqlor drush sql-dump --extra-dump=--no-tablespaces --result-file=../sql/db-2022-12-07.sqlWithout having to manually set the date drush sql-dump --extra-dump=--no-tablespaces...
Andrew Fletcher
As you're using Bootstrap 5 and applying a style for the hover state of an...
Andrew Fletcher
To use OpenAI to summarise text from a PDF using Python 3.11.6, you'll first...
Andrew Fletcher
The "keystore password was incorrect" error in keytool indicates that the...
Andrew Fletcher
In Vim, following is an outline of the vi(m) functions you can utilise whilst in...
Andrew Fletcher
The os.makedirs(directory_path) function in Python can be used with both absolute and relative paths. Whether you should use an absolute or relative path depends on your specific use case and the location where you want to create the directory:   Absolute Path Use an absolute path when you want to specify the exact location in the file system, starting from the root directory (e.g., /path/to/new/directory). It ensures that the directory is created at the specified location, regardless of...
Andrew Fletcher
Permission error Traceback (most recent call last): File...
Andrew Fletcher
You can move a file from one directory to another in Python using the shutil...
Andrew Fletcher
To set an environment variable on Ubuntu, can be achieved via a few options....
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst installing Python 3.11.6 and running the command 'sudo make altinstall',...