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Andrew Fletcher
Changes to the Python3 package list post installing packages each of the packages list in the column headers Initial list + openai + langchain + llama-index + gradio Package                      Version---------------------------- ---------absl-py                      2.0.0astunparse                   1.6.3cachetools    ...
Andrew Fletcher
Python3 error  None of PyTorch, TensorFlow >= 2.0, or Flax have been...
Andrew Fletcher
When running python openai command, I was greeted...
Andrew Fletcher
Python3 Error ImportError: cannot import name 'soft_unicode' from 'markupsafe'...
Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio error Installation did not succeed. The application could not be...
Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio error error: package does not existThis is a problem with plugins using old Android support dependencies instead of the AndroidX equivalent.  As it's a dependency issue, to resolve add jetifier.  I know yet another package... npm install jetifier npx jetify npx cap sync  Tools Ionic CLI : 6.20.1 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli) Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 6.2.0 ...
Andrew Fletcher
Android Studio build errors Build failed error: cannot find symbol if...
Andrew Fletcher
Initialise your Capacitor config​ To initialise Capacitor use the CLI...
Andrew Fletcher
Run the NPX commands to update the app npm run build && npx cap syncRun...
Andrew Fletcher
In Xcode attempting to build or run an app, I receiving a framework...
Andrew Fletcher
Working through an app project I inherited using Ionic, Angular and ngx-leaflet to name a few elements... I had a problem where the map shows only all map tiles when navigating via my app in the Xcode simulator.  The simulator screen would show just a small tile and the rest of the area where the map should be visible stays in gray color. Image   Versions plugin /...
Andrew Fletcher
While loading an ionic project, in Xcode when performing a run routine I had the...
Andrew Fletcher
Need to know how run updates for Capacitor? Updating Capacitor Update Capacitor...
Andrew Fletcher
I’m recently doing an IoT project. I wanted to investigate the network...
Andrew Fletcher
You can create a new date/time format by navigating to: Admin ->...