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Andrew Fletcher
When you have an entity ID value such as node ID (nid) or taxonomy term ID, how can you create the alias in a twig file?  In other words, instead of /taxonomy/term/{tid} I would like to get the alias I have defined for this, eg: /some/path/to/my/term. In trying to find an answer you might have queried your search criteria using something like twig canonical taxonomy path twig canonical entity path twig canonical node path  How to achieve This is achieved through using the...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Twig, I had to add classes to a pre-existing array.  Whilst I've...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Laravel, I needed to loop through an array and know whether the...
Andrew Fletcher
To add ejabberd and run MYSQL to the server I needed to update the server...
Andrew Fletcher
Installing Laravel on an Apache server was going to be a no fuss process said no...
Andrew Fletcher
To create a .pem file, is quick once you have your .p12 certificate.  I won't go through the process regarding p12 file generation as there are many sites that outline these steps.  If you cannot find a site that outlines this make a comment below and I'll point in the right direction. Open the terminal and go to the path where you save the apns-cert.p12. where and follow the below command to generate the .PEM file. The command below depends on the following two elements: Name of the...
Andrew Fletcher
A list of languages for the iOS app in speech mode: Arabic (Saudi Arabia) -...