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Andrew Fletcher
This article references some of the common commands via CLI (command-line interface) in running a Cordova app.   Platforms Platforms are the environment(s) that you want to run your app on.  We will add the 'ios' and 'android' platform and ensure they get saved to config.xml and package.json files.   To add a platform use the following command: cordova platform add {platform}Therefore, to add ios and android run: cordova platform add ios cordova platform add androidTo get a list...
Andrew Fletcher
How can you find out if the Cordova plugins have been loaded? Begin by running...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating the Cordova plugins... there are two locations to manage the...
Andrew Fletcher
Getting Started with Cocoapods Installation Built with Ruby, Cocopods is...
Andrew Fletcher
It is really simple to switch users in Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution...
Andrew Fletcher
Today while in Terminal, I ran a regular script pod update.  However, this time I received the following error [!] CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded: Response: Timeout was reachedI read on GitHub that it could be a cache issue, so I ran: sudo rm -rf ~/.cocoapods/repoNo change. Instead of attempting a pod update, I changed the command to pod install.  Worked a treat....