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Andrew Fletcher
It seems like you're using the CharacterTextSplitter class from the tiktoken library to split text into chunks. The CharacterTextSplitter.from_tiktoken_encoder() method is used to create an instance of the CharacterTextSplitter class with specific configuration settings.   Breakdown of the parameters used in this method separator This parameter specifies the character or sequence of characters used to separate the text into chunks. In your example, the separator is set to "\n", which means...
Andrew Fletcher
In Drupal Twig templates, you can set a variable like paragraph_parent to the...
Andrew Fletcher
To use OpenAI to summarise text from a PDF using Python 3.11.6, you'll first...
Andrew Fletcher
In the Drupal Status report, I'm seeing the following message Not set This...
Andrew Fletcher
Create a Lando setup running Drupal 10. The command you provided appears to be a...
Andrew Fletcher
The os.makedirs(directory_path) function in Python can be used with both absolute and relative paths. Whether you should use an absolute or relative path depends on your specific use case and the location where you want to create the directory:   Absolute Path Use an absolute path when you want to specify the exact location in the file system, starting from the root directory (e.g., /path/to/new/directory). It ensures that the directory is created at the specified location, regardless of...
Andrew Fletcher
Permission error Traceback (most recent call last): File...
Andrew Fletcher
You can move a file from one directory to another in Python using the shutil...
Andrew Fletcher
OpenAI request timeout? Retrying...
Andrew Fletcher
In Drupal, the Watchdog module (or the logging system) is responsible for...
Andrew Fletcher
To set an environment variable on Ubuntu, can be achieved via a few options.  This depends on whether you want the variable to be system-wide or specific to a user's session.  Here are a couple of more common methods for setting environment variables: Setting environment variables for the current session You can set an environment variable for the current user's session by using the export command in your shell. The variable will be available as long as the session is active. To set an...
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst installing Python 3.11.6 and running the command 'sudo make altinstall',...
Andrew Fletcher
Ubuntu 20.04 comes with Python 3.8 installed.  If you run the update...
Andrew Fletcher
Update Drupal to 10.1.x and I'm receiving the following...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding an SSL wildcard certificate to an Ubuntu server involves several steps....