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Andrew Fletcher
Update Drupal to 10.1.x and I'm receiving the following error Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unexpected "spaceless" tag (expecting closing tag for the "macro" tag defined near line 2). in Twig\Parser->subparse() (line 2 of themes/custom/{theme}/templates/misc/filesize-macro.html.twig).The error message clearly indicates that there's a problem in the Twig template file at line 2. Specifically, there is an "Unexpected 'spaceless' tag" and it's expecting a closing tag for the "macro" tag that was...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding an SSL wildcard certificate to an Ubuntu server involves several steps....
Andrew Fletcher
When logging into Ubuntu server you will see a response similar to Welcome to...
Andrew Fletcher
Forcing https and www or non-www is a process that I was a custom to through...
Andrew Fletcher
Resources - changing Drush Type Version Drush (current) 11.6.0 Drush...
Andrew Fletcher
Twig error Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unknown "filter" tag. in Twig\Parser->subparse() (line 6 of themes/custom/{theme}/templates/views/views-view-field--products--field_product_type.html.twig).Line 6 of the views-view-field--products--field_product_type.html.twig file is  {% filter upper|escape('html') %}The actual Twig file code {% filter upper|escape('html') %} {{ view.field.field_product_type.original_value -}} {% endfilter %}In Drupal 10, this is producing the error noted above -...
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: Restrict content access through username and password entry on an Nginx...
Andrew Fletcher
How to set the Private file path in Drupal using the following steps: Create a...
Andrew Fletcher
Using Composer to Manage Projects and if required their dependencies In this...
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: I want to download a table list to a txt or csv file. Initially, as a root...
Andrew Fletcher
If your Composer project doesn't have Drush listed as a dependency, you can install Drush from command line as follows: composer require drush/drushTo check your version of Drush, use drush --version  Status check drush statusWill output something similar to Drupal version : 10.1.1 Site URI : http://default DB driver : mysql DB hostname : mysql DB port ...
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst attempting to download the latest file for Solr, I was greeted...
Andrew Fletcher
This guide has been compiled as a reference tool on how to access field values...
Andrew Fletcher
I've recently upgraded the server Ubuntu 20.04 updating the PHP version from 7.4...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up the admin password.   Process: 1. Edit jetty.xml To begin you...