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Andrew Fletcher
If you are receiving the following 403 errors: "message": "The used authentication method is not allowed on this route." "message": "This route can only be accessed by anonymous users." Then keep reading for how to resolve them.   Attempting to log in to a Drupal site using REST API and I had to battle a few head winds along the way.  What is worse, they were self imposed!   Attempting to authenticate I was initially using the following to login in a user method: post url:...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on a new CentOS 7 server, Node wasn't installed.  You can...
Andrew Fletcher
I started out with a simple task... install Tailwindcss.  What unfolded is...
Andrew Fletcher
The purple warning notification of annoyance recently came my way!  I...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm currently working on a project that requires login, register, forget...
Andrew Fletcher
iOS localization on the fly If you have added languages to your app... shortly afterwards you'll be getting yourself knee deep in changing the language on the fly.  Followed by the question – how do you change the language of the app without having to restart the app?  To change the language of the app there are a couple of key steps involved: Adding / managing languages Managing the app bundle By the way I have added to GitHub a demo app - switch languages showing how...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding an image via RESTUI can be done in a snap... once you know how!  I...
Andrew Fletcher
The magically descriptive error 401 Forbidden "message": "Access...
Andrew Fletcher
If you are like me you probably have searched for clues to and found little......
Andrew Fletcher
Updating Realm and RealmSwift from 5.5.x to 10.0.0 brought in the following...
Andrew Fletcher
After creating a new view with a @Binding string as follows struct EditRival: View { @Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode @EnvironmentObject var realmPerson: RealmPersons @Binding var uid: String  The previews struct had an error with the var previews struct EditRival_Previews: PreviewProvider {   //... Initial code ...// static var previews: some View { EditRival() .environmentObject(RealmPersons()) }The error was Cannot convert value of...
Andrew Fletcher
What to do when you want to filter a Realm object, using NSPredicate in...
Andrew Fletcher
I had an instance where I needed to move content from a plist to the server...
Andrew Fletcher
Registering a user via REST is an important process particularly when the...
Andrew Fletcher
Today while in Terminal, I ran a regular script pod update.  However, this...