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Andrew Fletcher
Working from the bases that .DS_Store has not been added to your git repository, then you can add it to your .gitignore file. touch .gitignoreIn the .gitignore file add the following # Hide the DS_Store files **/.DS_StoreHowever, if it's already there, then in Terminal you will need to write: find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm -f --ignore-unmatchFinally commit to repo git commit -m "Remove .DS_Store" git push origin...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding git tag to your actions. The regular process that I work to is git add...
Andrew Fletcher
If you edit a Drupal contrib module, the next time the module is updated those...
Andrew Fletcher
Changing git push from passphrase?  There are several ways to tackle this...
Andrew Fletcher
Having Drupal Solr Search APi running, I thought adding synonyms to the mix...
Andrew Fletcher
Regular expressions (regex) are extremely useful in extracting information from any text by searching for one or more matches of a specific search pattern. The basic anchors - ^ and $ expression action ^The matches any string that starts with The end$ matches a string that ends with end ^The end$ exact string match (starts and ends with The end) pragmatic matches any string that has the text pragmatic in it   The basic quantifiers — * + ? and...
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst updating nodejs and npm on a Centos 6 or 7 server running Apache, I...
Andrew Fletcher
Images For some time, when looking for images online for your app or site I have...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently I had an error with a domain smtp server not recognising port 587....