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Andrew Fletcher
To begin, note that Lando is often used for web development and it may not be optimised for running long-running Python scripts or applications.  It's primarily designed to host web services, so if you have specific Python development requirements, you might want to consider using a dedicated Python development environment or container.  However, Lando can be useful for running Python scripts in the context of web development projects. To run Python within a Lando environment, you can...
Andrew Fletcher
To use OpenAI to summarise text from a PDF using Python 3.11.6, you'll first...
Andrew Fletcher
The "keystore password was incorrect" error in keytool indicates that the...
Andrew Fletcher
In Vim, following is an outline of the vi(m) functions you can utilise whilst in...
Andrew Fletcher
The os.makedirs(directory_path) function in Python can be used with both...
Andrew Fletcher
Permission error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/www/html/open-ai/", line 144, in <module> getfiles() File "/var/www/html/open-ai/", line 26, in getfiles summarise(filename) File "/var/www/html/open-ai/", line 105, in summarise savedata(filename, refine_outputs['output_text']) File "/var/www/html/open-ai/", line 118, in savedata with open(file_name, 'w') as json_file: ...
Andrew Fletcher
You can move a file from one directory to another in Python using the shutil...
Andrew Fletcher
To set an environment variable on Ubuntu, can be achieved via a few options....
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst installing Python 3.11.6 and running the command 'sudo make altinstall',...
Andrew Fletcher
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) allows you to manage extensions using the VS Code...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding an SSL wildcard certificate to an Ubuntu server involves several steps.  A wildcard certificate can secure subdomains of a domain with a single certificate. Here's a general outline of the process: I'll be using an existing wildcard certificate. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y  Copy the certificate sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain/fullchain.pem /etc/ssl/your_domain.crt sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain/privkey.pem /etc/ssl/your_domain.keyAdd the...
Andrew Fletcher
When logging into Ubuntu server you will see a response similar to Welcome to...
Andrew Fletcher
Forcing https and www or non-www is a process that I was a custom to through...
Andrew Fletcher
A summary of Node package commands Short cut commands npm install...
Andrew Fletcher
Logging into the server, and there are packages to be updated.  You know...