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Andrew Fletcher
Error with Nginx When running an Nginx test, the following response was being presented: nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied) 2022/08/04 07:05:54 [warn] 3105#3105: the "user" directive makes sense only if the master process runs with super-user privileges, ignored in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:1 2022/08/04 07:05:54 [crit] 3105#3105: pread() "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ckan" failed (21: Is a directory) nginx: configuration file...
Andrew Fletcher
The following the CKAN source install docs from start to finish including solr....
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: Restrict content access through username and password entry. 1: Apache...
Andrew Fletcher
Working through a CKAN installation on Ubuntu 20.04 User sees a server 500...
Andrew Fletcher
It is really simple to switch users in Ubuntu or any other Linux distribution...
Andrew Fletcher
A bug bear that I have had for a while with Drupal content is how come the author of an article is actually their username.  I have an array of reasons to vent my dislike for this strategy... however, instead I will show you how to change it.  Albeit, programmatically!  Don't stress there actually isn't a huge amount of code to add.  In time I'll create a module so no coding is required.   Setting up account fields in the admin area To begin let's add new fields for...
Andrew Fletcher
Using shell access you the site you want to add the Spyc library.  Then go...