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Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction into setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up documentation. POST command Following on from the GET command, to post a node to the site (currently staging) is quite quick.  To do so, complete the following: Request: {domain}/entity/node Content-Type: application/hal+json Accept: application/hal+json Body:  {"_links":{ "type":{"href":"{domain}/rest/type/node/{type}"}}, "title":[{"value": "Add title"}], "body":[{"value":...
Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction into setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up...
Andrew Fletcher
To POST an image is similar to the other posts mentioned on this site....
Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction to setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up...
Andrew Fletcher
The user API, was originally created under the General...
Andrew Fletcher
The development version of the app database is held on the staging site.  Note all development and testing will be completed on the staging site. Drupal 9 uses: HAL : Serializes entities using Hypertext Application Language. RESTful Web Services For testing purposes you can use either of the following Chrome extensions: Postman; DHC   Using Postman to perform a GET command for a node The get string is https:/{}/node/<nid>?_format=hal_json, where the...
Andrew Fletcher
The user parameters provides details about a specific user based...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently I'm working through an app that has been abandoned by the developers....
Andrew Fletcher
First off, this isn't the only method to achieve the outcome of emptying a...
Andrew Fletcher
Clear DNS Cache The DNS (Domain Name Service) cache on your Mac helps browsers...
Andrew Fletcher
Changing git push from passphrase?  There are several ways to tackle this step.  I'm going to focus one of these steps. From your web directory root, look for your .git directory.  Then open the .git... cd .gitNext using your shell prompt (iTerm2), view the contents of the config file vim configPresently the config file looks like the following [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true ...
Andrew Fletcher
  Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell built on top of bash (the default shell for...
Andrew Fletcher
A bug bear that I have had for a while with Drupal content is how come the...
Andrew Fletcher
If you are receiving the following 403 errors: "message": "The used...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding an image via RESTUI can be done in a snap... once you know how!  I...