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What I'm seeing in Android Studio when attempting to run the emulator?

Launching 'app' on Pixel 5 API 33.
Install successfully finished in 153 ms.
$ adb shell am start -n "{project}.app.MainActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER
Timed out waiting for process (com.{project}.app) to appear on Pixel_5_API_33 [emulator-5554].

As an error, this gives no intel.  So go to logcat tab and change the 3rd dropdown to error what do you see?

For me, I get multiple errors, I'll reduce the list by removing duplicates

E/android.hardware.power.stats@1.0-service-mock: Failed to getEnergyData
1359-17040/ E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
17093-17318/? E/JavaBinder: !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!  (parcel size = 660)
1199-1537/ E/bluetooth: packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/gd/os/linux_generic/ FileCreatedTime: unable to read '/data/misc/bluetooth/logs/btsnooz_hci.log' file metadata, error: No such file or directory
1359-7580/ E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
1359-1912/ E/JavaBinder: !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!!  (parcel size = 252)
1359-17352/ E/WorkSourceUtil: Could not find package:
nagedChannel allocation site
        at dfar.<init>( (190800-453244992):3)
        at dfas.<init>( (190800-453244992):2)
        at detc.a( (190800-453244992):22)
        at wql.c( (190800-453244992):22)
        at wql.d( (190800-453244992):1)
        at ahmg.a( (190800-453244992):57)
        at (190800-453244992):2)
        at wwq.c( (190800-453244992):6)
        at (190800-453244992):8)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
        at (190800-453244992):0)
1359-17040/ E/WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
1359-17040/ E/NetworkScheduler.TED: Dropping task as app's play services SDK version does not support Android O. Either update the SDK or lower your app's target SDK version. Canceling all tasks for the service: ComponentInfo{}
359-17665/ E/NetworkScheduler.ATC: Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=0 tag="" trigger=window{period=43200s,flex=1800s,earliest=-1354s,latest=805s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED] attributes=[PERSISTED,RECURRING] scheduled=-42394s last_run=0s exec_window_multiplier=1.0000 jid=N/A status=PENDING retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-221821000} :1 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
1359-17040/ E/NetworkScheduler.TED: Dropping task as app's play services SDK version does not support Android O. Either update the SDK or lower your app's target SDK version. Canceling all tasks for the service: ComponentInfo{}


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