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Do you want to know how to add a node alias in a twig file?  Rather than do the set up in a custom module or using your theme file.

To be able to create a node alias in a twig file you need to know the node.nid value.  Obviously without it you have nothing to reference from.  In this example, the node.nid value is extracted during a loop.  A fairly standard loop such as

{% for row in rows %}
    // ... script doing some magic ... //
{% endfor %}

Begin by setting the nid value from the row:

{% set nid = row.content['#row']._entity.nid[0].value %}

Using the nid value, now you can load the node alias from the entity node canonical

{% set alias = path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': nid}) %}

The above two variables are set in the loop as follows:

{% for row in rows %}
    {% set bottomBorder = (not loop.last) ? 'tw-pt-12 tw-pt-4 tw-border-b tw-border-gray-200' : NULL %}
    {% set author = row.content['#row'].related_user %}
    {% set summary = row.content['#row']._entity.body.0.value %}
    {% set nid = row.content['#row']._entity.nid[0].value %}
    {% set alias = path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': nid}) %}

    // ... doing some code magic ... //
{% endfor %}

Which is finally placed in to your href:

<a href="{{ alias }}" title="{{ row.content['#row']._entity.title.value|render }}">
    <h4 {{ title_attributes.addClass('node__title tw-text-grey-dark tw-text-3xl') }}>
         {{ row.content['#row']._entity.title.value|render }}


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