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In this instance, I'll check the beginning of the string.  I want to focus on the href's that start with /node/.  Which has been added using the variable $catchPhrase.

Using the Drupal service path_alias to return the node.nid as follows:

     * Load the node nid from the URL alias.
     * @param string $url URL string.
     * @return any
    public function getNodeNidFromAlias($url, $phrase)
        // Default values.
        $nid = null;
        $path = \Drupal::service('path_alias.manager')->getPathByAlias($url);
        $strlen = strlen($phrase);
        if (substr($path, 0, $strlen) === $phrase) {
            $nid = substr($path, $strlen, strlen($path) - $strlen);

        return $nid;


If you are using PHP8, then instead you can use

str_starts_with('', 'https')


How was the getNodeNidFromAlias() used?

The initial call came from

$nid = $this->helper->getNodeNidFromAlias($link['href'], '/node');
$type = $this->helper->getTypeFromNid($nid);

The section of the helper file was 

     * Load the node nid from the URL alias.
     * @param string $url URL string.
     * @return any
    public function getNodeNidFromAlias($url, $phrase)
        // Default values.
        $nid = null;
        $path = \Drupal::service('path_alias.manager')->getPathByAlias($url);
        $strlen = strlen($phrase);
        if (substr($path, 0, $strlen) === $phrase) {
            $nid = substr($path, $strlen, strlen($path) - $strlen);

        return $nid;

     * Get the node type.
     * @param any $nid Node nid.
     * @return any
    public function getTypeFromNid($nid)
        if (is_null($nid)) {
            return null;
        $node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);

        return $node->getType();


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