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Andrew Fletcher
Have you ever walked into a situation at work and just wondered how everything still runs smoothly? I mean, there are deployments with so many fail-safes stacked on a shaky foundation that it's almost a miracle they work at all. The real trick is gently nudging the team toward accepting change to develop a more stable and robust process—something that really lines up with Drupal best practices. In many development environments I've seen, repositories are bogged down with too much data. For...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to install python libraries on my OSX pip3 install pandas,...
Andrew Fletcher
The red flag was when I saw the server disk space is showing a site is taking up...
Andrew Fletcher
Extending the functionality of a contrib module in Drupal can enhance its...
Andrew Fletcher
When receiving a logic error such as LogicException: Form errors cannot be set...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding a new service to a custom module and the following error greeted me: The website encountered an unexpected error. Try again later. Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: You have requested a non-existent service "summaries.reference_node". in Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get() (line 157 of core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php).  This issue was related to a missing the namespace declaration at the top of...
Andrew Fletcher
  Continuing on from the Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 upgrade outline written...
Andrew Fletcher
When executing the following command, the response I'm getting is npm ERR! code...
Andrew Fletcher
To view the email before it's sent from Drupal, especially when using Drupal 10...
Andrew Fletcher
To run a SQL command using Drush, use the following sql-query command drush...
Andrew Fletcher
In Drupal, the logging system is based on the PSR-3 logging standard, which Drupal integrates through the \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. When you want to log messages, you typically use placeholders in your message string, which are replaced with context array values. However, if you're dealing with a situation where you have a complex message or an object implementing the \Drupal\Core\Logger\RfcLogLevel\MessageInterface, and you want to log the entire object or message as it is, you might need to...
Andrew Fletcher
Working through the following error Notice: Only variables should be passed by...
Andrew Fletcher
To resolve the CVE-2022-48624 vulnerability on Ubuntu using Nginx, it's crucial...
Andrew Fletcher
Using Drupal 10, VIews, Solr and Facets has post upgrade to version 10, created...
Andrew Fletcher
Attempting to apply a patch in Drupal 10.2.4 that had been working until this...