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Andrew Fletcher
When Solr is displaying results on the site, first step is to log in the server and check its status ● solr.service - LSB: Controls Apache Solr as a Service Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/solr; generated) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2024-04-17 23:22:52 UTC; 6h ago Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8) Apr 17 23:22:50 {name} systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Controls Apache Solr as a Service... Apr 17 23:22:51 {name} su[750]: (to solr) root on none Apr 17 23:22:51 {name}...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently, I encountered an issue where my local Docker environment refused to...
Andrew Fletcher
The issue – I have a content type that includes an entity reference revisions...
Andrew Fletcher
Having updated Solr, re-indexing wasn't working. The error in the logs...
Andrew Fletcher
On an Ubuntu 20.02 system with Nginx, you can utilize the following commands to...
Andrew Fletcher
Cleaning out or clearing data in Solr can be done in a few different ways, depending on your specific requirements.   Delete All Documents You can use the Solr Admin interface or send a DELETE request to remove all documents from a Solr core. Solr Admin Interface: Open your web browser and navigate to the Solr Admin interface, typically at http://your_solr_server:8983/solr. Select the core you want to clear. Click on the "Query" menu. In the "q" field, enter *:* to match all...
Andrew Fletcher
In an environment that is running Ubuntu 20.02 Nginx Solr   The default...
Andrew Fletcher
In Twig, the {% extends %} tag is used to inherit and extend the contents of...
Andrew Fletcher
The issue of over 300 simultaneous database connections in the context of AWS...
Andrew Fletcher
In Drupal Twig templates, you can set a variable like paragraph_parent to the...
Andrew Fletcher
If the Android app icon is not changing from the default icon (in my situation this was the Capacitor icon), here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:   Check the Icon Files Ensure that you have provided the correct icon files in the appropriate directory. In a Capacitor project, the Android app icon should be placed in the res directory under various density-specific folders (e.g., mipmap-hdpi, mipmap-mdpi, mipmap-xhdpi, etc.).   Verify File Names Check that the icon...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm receiving an issue with a previous release on Google...
Andrew Fletcher
The "keystore password was incorrect" error in keytool indicates that the...
Andrew Fletcher
How to generate a new private key and submit it to Google Play for signing your...
Andrew Fletcher
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) allows you to manage extensions using the VS Code...