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Andrew Fletcher
The error you're encountering indicates an issue with the ffi gem during the CocoaPods update. The error message suggests trying to run the gem pristine command to fix it. Using terminal - run the following command: gem pristine ffi --version 1.16.3This command will attempt to restore the ffi gem to its pristine state, resolving any issues with its extensions. After running this command, try running pod update again pod updateIf you encounter any permission issues, you might need to use...
Andrew Fletcher
Overview of the elements Set Up API Keys Obtain API keys for Pinecone and...
Andrew Fletcher
The error message "RuntimeError: Directory 'static/' does not exist" typically...
Andrew Fletcher
It seems like you're using the CharacterTextSplitter class from the tiktoken...
Andrew Fletcher
OpenAI request timeout? Retrying...
Andrew Fletcher
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) allows you to manage extensions using the VS Code Command Line Interface (CLI) called code. With the code CLI, you can install, list, uninstall, and manage extensions from the command line.   To check you have the code prompt running, run code --versionResponse you're looking for is 1.83.0 d3a019177ff8833cf320e334265dfea540098a3a arm64If not, to install, in VS Code press command + shift + p to open the command palette, then type "install code", click Shell...
Andrew Fletcher
While the default version on Ubuntu 20.04 for Python is 3.8, I've added Python...
Andrew Fletcher
  Set up your server Begin by cleaning up your server environment.  Do...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently a client handed me code that runs an app through iOS and Android....
Andrew Fletcher
Only a month ago, running an app through the Android Studio emulator was running...
Andrew Fletcher
Creating a foreach loop such as  var maxDigits: Int = 5 private var pinDots: some View { HStack { ForEach(0..<maxDigits) { index in ZStack { Image(systemName: self.getImageName(at: index)) .font(.system(size: 50.0, weight: .thin, design: .rounded)) .foregroundColor(.white) .background( index < pin.count ? : .clear).cornerRadius(35.0) } ...
Andrew Fletcher
To completely remove Microsoft Remote Desktop from OSX you need to perform the...
Andrew Fletcher
Warning from Google Play Store when uploading an App You must complete the...
Andrew Fletcher
Uploading a new version of an Android app to Google Play and I'm seeing this...
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst uploading a new version of our Android app, I had the following error...