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Andrew Fletcher
Finalising a deployment to Drupal 10 and reviewing the latest log messages.   Flysystem - $context is deprecated Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\flysystem\FlysystemBridge::$context is deprecated in Drupal\Core\File\FileSystem->doScanDirectory() (line 720 of /var/www/html/content/core/lib/Drupal/Core/File/FileSystem.php) #0 /var/www/html/content/core/includes/ _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, 'Creation of dyn...', '/var/www/html/c...', 720) #1...
Andrew Fletcher
git clone{username}/{repo}.git And I was unceremoniously...
Andrew Fletcher
By default the maximum file upload size is set to 2MB.  It is not a...
Andrew Fletcher
Looking to install Solr on your server?  Not sure if it worth the...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently, I have a situation where I have two repositories.  The first is...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to do a git push, are you getting the following response: fatal: The current branch main has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream origin main  Quick solution, instead run the command git push origin mainAnd the response will push what you were attempting to do Enumerating objects: 34, done. Counting objects: 100% (34/34), done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads Compressing objects: 100% (19/19),...
Andrew Fletcher
In this woalk through I am going to use GitHub.  However, the steps are...
Andrew Fletcher
Installing Varnish to increase the speed of the page load. Install varnish using...
Andrew Fletcher
Wanting to create a new repository on GitHub, add in a few of the available...
Andrew Fletcher
To add ejabberd and run MYSQL to the server I needed to update the server...
Andrew Fletcher
Installing Laravel on an Apache server was going to be a no fuss process said no developer!  Research done.  Documentation looks good and easy to follow.  Time to load Laravel.   The set-up The install notes on Laravel are easy to follow.  Beginning with checking that your server is able to install Laravel. Using shell commands check that your server has the minimum requirements.  To do this run the command php -m -bash-4.1# php -m [PHP...
Andrew Fletcher
As a process I apply patches locally first, then using git upload the update(s)...