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Andrew Fletcher
git clone{username}/{repo}.git And I was unceremoniously delivered the following error fatal: could not create work tree dir '{project}': Permission deniedMy initial thought was the error due to server permission... being sudo.  This was tested by running the command sudo git clone git@bitbucket.{username}/{repo}.git Which generated the error Cloning into 'repo'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up the admin password.   Process: 1. Edit jetty.xml To begin you...
Andrew Fletcher
In this article I'll walk through the steps I went through to install Solr on...
Andrew Fletcher
Looking to install Solr on your server?  Not sure if it worth the...
Andrew Fletcher
Having Drupal Solr Search APi running, I thought adding synonyms to the mix...
Andrew Fletcher
Like many devs at the moment, looking for log4j2 on your server... how to do? First I used the command find / -name log4j2.xml -type fWhich in turn produced the following results /opt/solr-8.5.2/server/resources/log4j2.xml /var/solr/log4j2.xml  Version Ok, so log4j2 exists on the server the client is using... in Solr.  How about determining the version number? The version here matters as 2.15.0 is good to go.  To find the version use sudo find / -name 'log4j*' The output of...
Andrew Fletcher
I’m recently doing an IoT project. I wanted to investigate the network...
Andrew Fletcher
The purple warning notification of annoyance recently came my way!  I...