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Andrew Fletcher
git clone{username}/{repo}.git And I was unceremoniously delivered the following error fatal: could not create work tree dir '{project}': Permission deniedMy initial thought was the error due to server permission... being sudo.  This was tested by running the command sudo git clone git@bitbucket.{username}/{repo}.git Which generated the error Cloning into 'repo'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make...
Andrew Fletcher
Resources - changing Drush Type Version Drush (current) 11.6.0 Drush...
Andrew Fletcher
Attempting to run a composer update command, you know the one used...
Andrew Fletcher
Using Composer to Manage Projects and if required their dependencies In this...
Andrew Fletcher
Looking at composer I first wanted to check the current version, which is...
Andrew Fletcher
After cloning a site, next you will want to import the config file.  Which you can do so by running the command: drush cim -yHopefully it worked for you.  As it didn't work out so well for me as the response was: [error] Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigImporterException: There were errors validating the config s ynchronization. Site UUID in source storage does not match the target storage. Entities exist of type <em class="placeholder">Shortcut link</em>...
Andrew Fletcher
Build the PHP base image with apache-buster using the Dockerfile.base Since JN...
Andrew Fletcher
This article works through the steps to update dependencies in the...
Andrew Fletcher
Had the situation where you are running composer however, the scripts stops with...
Andrew Fletcher
While working with lando, I had the following error ERROR: for safs_appserver_1...
Andrew Fletcher
Let say in composer.json you have "drupal/core-recommended": "^9.2" You're attempting to run composer update "drupal/core-*" update to the latest 9.2.x version. Yet instead you are finding 9.3.6 installed. How do you use caret version constraint for core-recommended?  Caret means "any compatible version" which as of today is version 9.3.  However, if you want to stay on 9.2 you use a 9.2.* version constraint. Minor updates only introduce...
Andrew Fletcher
Running composer on a server... when running the command composer update, screen...
Andrew Fletcher
Have you tried to run a composer update script that...
Andrew Fletcher
You would have come across a URL string that appears...
Andrew Fletcher
A recent attempt to run an update composer (regular activity for many of...