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Andrew Fletcher
In our projects, team members frequently generate new Git branches linked to the same Jira number, resulting in cluttered and disorganised structures that can pose challenges for both current and future developers. For instance: Jira: ABC-123 Ticket work: Reformat headers Over time, these branches accumulate and become disorganised, resulting in names like: ABC-123-reformat-headers ABC-123-format-headers ABC-123-format-header This can lead to a cluttered and inefficient workflow. It's preferable...
Andrew Fletcher
Overview of the elements Set Up API Keys Obtain API keys for Pinecone and...
Andrew Fletcher
Finalising a deployment to Drupal 10 and reviewing the latest log...
Andrew Fletcher
As you're using Bootstrap 5 and applying a style for the hover state of an...
Andrew Fletcher
The error message "RuntimeError: Directory 'static/' does not exist" typically...
Andrew Fletcher
It seems like you're using the CharacterTextSplitter class from the tiktoken library to split text into chunks. The CharacterTextSplitter.from_tiktoken_encoder() method is used to create an instance of the CharacterTextSplitter class with specific configuration settings.   Breakdown of the parameters used in this method separator This parameter specifies the character or sequence of characters used to separate the text into chunks. In your example, the separator is set to "\n", which means...
Andrew Fletcher
OpenAI request timeout? Retrying...
Andrew Fletcher
git reset, git revert, and git cherry-pick are three Git commands used for...
Andrew Fletcher
While the default version on Ubuntu 20.04 for Python is 3.8, I've added Python...
Andrew Fletcher
  Set up your server Begin by cleaning up your server environment.  Do...
Andrew Fletcher
git clone{username}/{repo}.git And I was unceremoniously delivered the following error fatal: could not create work tree dir '{project}': Permission deniedMy initial thought was the error due to server permission... being sudo.  This was tested by running the command sudo git clone git@bitbucket.{username}/{repo}.git Which generated the error Cloning into 'repo'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make...
Andrew Fletcher
Something I haven't had to do in a while is to change the name of a Git branch...
Andrew Fletcher
Git filename error when running the git add command.  The error I'm...
Andrew Fletcher
Post creating a new branch in the repo, next step was to run the checkout...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm in an environment where the default branch is staging and I'm attempting to...