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Andrew Fletcher
While loading an ionic project, in Xcode when performing a run routine I had the following response ⚡️ Loading app at capacitor://localhost... 2022-04-17 15:54:01.318573+1000 App[74515:7355495] [Process] 0x7f8758828820 - [pageProxyID=5, webPageID=6, PID=74520] WebPageProxy::didFailProvisionalLoadForFrame: frameID=3, domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain, code=260 ⚡️ WebView failed provisional navigation ⚡️ Error: The file “index.html” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.The Xcode build...
Andrew Fletcher
Need to know how run updates for Capacitor? Updating Capacitor Update Capacitor...
Andrew Fletcher
Have you noticed through your Google account that there are items being indexed...
Andrew Fletcher
Regular expressions (regex) are extremely useful in extracting information from...
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst updating nodejs and npm on a Centos 6 or 7 server running Apache, I...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently I had an error with a domain smtp server not recognising port 587.  To begin to test what was happening I wanted to get some key information about the server.  My tool of choice was the dig command.  Using the dig command: dig codebales.comUnderstanding a DNS look up results from Terminal using the dig command.  This command causes dig to look up the A record for the domain name or whatever you enter. To do this dig starts by...