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Andrew Fletcher
Recently I have been investigating one of my Linux server's speed using the copy [cp] command.  This came about due to 'upgrading' the server from Centos 6 to 7.  Once I had migrated a domain, I ran the following command yes | cp -rf 'stg/core' 'tmpdir'To my surprise, the first run of this command took over 38 minutes to complete.  Crap!  Yes a simple cp -a command is a very painful and slow process.  Read more about the pain and times under Centos 7 in this...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on a decoupled React / Drupal 9 site. Aim: Adjust the output of curated...
Andrew Fletcher
How to make React calls on a Drupal 9 backend site using the search...
Andrew Fletcher
This code is from Drupal 9 back-end for a React front-end via REST API. Working...
Andrew Fletcher
You would have come across a URL string that appears...
Andrew Fletcher
Ha you have read it before, one of those throw away lines that is written "just create a cartfile".  So your thinking carthage update, carthage init, create a plain text document, etc... all wrong.  How do you know... when you run carthage update, you receive the following error Get this error: "No such file in directory" So how do you "just" create a Cartfile? Oh, there are no instructions on the Carthage page either.  Feeling a little ticked off, how do I "just create" a...