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Andrew Fletcher
Recently, after upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04, we encountered a significant challenge with our Apache Solr service—it refused to restart. This post documents the steps I took to diagnose and resolve the issues, providing a clear guide for anyone facing similar troubles.   Initial troubleshooting The journey began with a simple command to check the status of our Solr service: sudo service solr statusThe response indicated that the service had failed: × solr.service - LSB: Controls Apache Solr as...
Andrew Fletcher
When Solr is displaying results on the site, first step is to log in the server...
Andrew Fletcher
On a server directory with over 100,000 PDF files, I needed to verify the...
Andrew Fletcher
Managing files on a server often includes tasks like clearing logs or resetting...
Andrew Fletcher
To review the content of files being generated in the /tmp directory on an...
Andrew Fletcher
Managing large directories, especially those filled with a diverse mix of media such as documents and images, can quickly become cumbersome. In my latest project, dealing with a directory that totals a whopping 87GB, the need for efficient file compression and selective archiving became apparent. How can we streamline this process using the zip command, particularly when we want to exclude non-essential files and directories?   The routine of zipping files in Linux In Linux, zipping files...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently I came across this piece of gold when dealing with databases,...
Andrew Fletcher
In the realm of system administration and monitoring, understanding memory usage...
Andrew Fletcher
A growing list of commands I've used and what they do in no specific order sudo...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to install python libraries on my OSX pip3 install pandas,...
Andrew Fletcher
The red flag was when I saw the server disk space is showing a site is taking up 57992.5 MB, where locally the site size is showing 957MB.  There is something serious happening here and I need to establish the problem quickly.  When dealing with a significant discrepancy in site size between a local environment and a server, it's important to identify the root cause of the larger disk usage on the server.    Approaches for discovering the issue(s)   1. Analyse Large...
Andrew Fletcher
To resolve the CVE-2022-48624 vulnerability on Ubuntu using Nginx, it's crucial...
Andrew Fletcher
To determine the size of a directory using the terminal, you can use the du...
Andrew Fletcher
In many terminal text editors, you use find command as reference in Terminal...
Andrew Fletcher
The "Too many open files" error in Python typically occurs when your program has...