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Andrew Fletcher
Find by file name To perform a find command in terminal use find / -name php.ini -type f find / -name {filename} {type parameters}Note there are many parameters in the commands, so I'll cover a couple regular expressions here.  Such as,  -name matches the string being searched and is case sensitive -iname matches the string being searched and is case insensitive -type f means to find a file with the name being searched.  In this instance php.ini -type d find a...
Andrew Fletcher
The challenge I was facing, I had written a script to scan barcodes and use...
Andrew Fletcher
It appears that the plugin or file path is not working how it used to be on...
Andrew Fletcher
This article references some of the common commands via CLI (command-line...
Andrew Fletcher
How can you find out if the Cordova plugins have been loaded? Begin by running...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating the Cordova plugins... there are two locations to manage the plugins config.xml package.json I was finding some Cordova functionality was not coming through... through further investigation the two files above had conflicting data.   Review the data package.json "cordova-browser": "6.0.0", "cordova-plugin-advanced-http": "3.3.1", "cordova-plugin-android-permissions": "^1.1.3", "cordova-plugin-device": "2.1.0", "cordova-plugin-file": "^7.0.0", ...
Andrew Fletcher
You would have come across a URL string that appears...
Andrew Fletcher
Load testing verifies the system performance under the expected peak load....
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst working through an edit person view in a SwiftUI project, I experienced...
Andrew Fletcher
When managing a navigation title in Swift, you will have trodden down the path....
Andrew Fletcher
Struggling to hide the SwiftUI separators in a List or Form?    The challenge Creating the following form, separation lines appeared between NameLayout, FinalPhoto, RawPhoto, ApertureLayout and SubmitButton. var body: some View { GeometryReader { geometry in Form { // layout elements NameLayout() FinalPhoto() RawPhoto() ApertureLayout() SubmitButton() } } }   What was...
Andrew Fletcher
Core Data - customising our data model When you are using Core Data, and let's...
Andrew Fletcher
In SwiftUI, has made creating a list of item very easy.  If...
Andrew Fletcher
I attempted the run command and the response I had was succeeded, but then...
Andrew Fletcher
Working with buttons To begin, what is a button in SwiftUI? struct MainView:...