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Andrew Fletcher
This code is from Drupal 9 back-end for a React front-end via REST API. Working through the output for recently viewed pages... the code structure: <?php namespace Drupal\custom\Plugin\GetData\paragraph; use Drupal\custom\Plugin\GetData\ContentBase; use Drupal\custom\Plugin\GetData\ParagraphTrait; use Drupal\node\Entity\Node; /** * Provides Recent view pages data. * * @GetData( * id = "recent_view_pages", * title = @Translation("Recent view pages Data"), * ) */ class...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm writing these steps primarily for myself as a reference.  However, if...
Andrew Fletcher
I had an issue where logging in from the app disconnected.  The error that...
Andrew Fletcher
Building a contact list using SwiftUI has many challenges. One challenge is...
Andrew Fletcher
Overview To update ejabberd you need to remove it, then re-install with the...
Andrew Fletcher
The starting point is to read through and follow the notes outlined on the ejabberd site regarding adding database schema.  The purpose of this documentation is to clarify where the files were located for me. The schema files can be found in ejabberd priv directory.  To find the priv directory, use the find command find / -name priv -type dInitially, the directory I found based on the...
Andrew Fletcher
To add Erlang repository that also includes the public key for verifying signed...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding a pem file to secure ejabbered on the server for chat connection. Getting...
Andrew Fletcher
To access the ejabberd log files, I found them located at the following...
Andrew Fletcher
I had the issue where I needed to filter an array list by a specific column....
Andrew Fletcher
While I have posted an article about how to POST an image using REST in Drupal 8... the journey there can be slow.  Crawling through the errors to eventually spot the missing link.  For me the how to is as important as the solution. On the journey I did receive the following 404 Not Found error: GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException: Client error: `GET` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response: <!DOCTYPE...