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Andrew Fletcher
I'm receiving an issue with a previous release on Google Play android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGESI'm seeing the following message in Google Play Request install packages permission error - Not started - Your app isn't compliant A permission that allows your app to install packages. If your app doesn't need access to this permission, you must remove it from your app.To check the offending release go to App bundle explorer, and view each of the active releases. In my situation, I'm seeing...
Andrew Fletcher
The "keystore password was incorrect" error in keytool indicates that the...
Andrew Fletcher
How to generate a new private key and submit it to Google Play for signing your...
Andrew Fletcher
Issues with sign in key... When attempting to upload a APK package, I'm getting...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently, I have a situation where I have two repositories.  The first is...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to do a git push, are you getting the following response: fatal: The current branch main has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream origin main  Quick solution, instead run the command git push origin mainAnd the response will push what you were attempting to do Enumerating objects: 34, done. Counting objects: 100% (34/34), done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads Compressing objects: 100% (19/19),...
Andrew Fletcher
In this woalk through I am going to use GitHub.  However, the steps are...
Andrew Fletcher
Wanting to create a new repository on GitHub, add in a few of the available...
Andrew Fletcher
Struggling to hide the SwiftUI separators in a List or Form?    The...
Andrew Fletcher
iOS localization on the fly If you have added languages to your app......
Andrew Fletcher
As a process I apply patches locally first, then using git upload the update(s) to a development site on the server.  Once the testing has been completed, the final step to apply the patch to the production site.   Using Terminal or your preferred shell program, navigate to the correct directory.  Then run this command using the name of the patch file (example.patch): patch < example.patchHowever, if you are patching Drupal core then remember to patch from the root directory...
Andrew Fletcher
Whatever you are coding - code clarity is your goal. Before you scream and...
Andrew Fletcher
To create a .pem file, is quick once you have your .p12 certificate.  I...
Andrew Fletcher
I had the issue where I needed to filter an array list by a specific column....
Andrew Fletcher
A handy resource list of fonts for iOS: iOS Font List -...