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Andrew Fletcher
Finalising a deployment to Drupal 10 and reviewing the latest log messages.   Flysystem - $context is deprecated Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\flysystem\FlysystemBridge::$context is deprecated in Drupal\Core\File\FileSystem->doScanDirectory() (line 720 of /var/www/html/content/core/lib/Drupal/Core/File/FileSystem.php) #0 /var/www/html/content/core/includes/ _drupal_error_handler_real(8192, 'Creation of dyn...', '/var/www/html/c...', 720) #1...
Andrew Fletcher
Resources - changing Drush Type Version Drush (current) 11.6.0 Drush...
Andrew Fletcher
Attempting to run a composer update command, you know the one used...
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: Restrict content access through username and password entry on an Nginx...
Andrew Fletcher
Using Composer to Manage Projects and if required their dependencies In this...
Andrew Fletcher
Looking at composer I first wanted to check the current version, which is actioned by running the following command composer -VThe response I was seeing Composer version 2.1.5 2021-07-23 10:35:47    How to update to the latest version of Composer? Going to the Composer site, today the latest version is 2.5.1.  To update my version to this I need to run composer self-updateHowever, if you have the following response [Composer\Downloader\FilesystemException] Filesystem...
Andrew Fletcher
Build the PHP base image with apache-buster using the Dockerfile.base Since JN...
Andrew Fletcher
This article works through the steps to update dependencies in the...
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: Restrict content access through username and password entry. 1: Apache...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently, I have a situation where I have two repositories.  The first is...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to do a git push, are you getting the following response: fatal: The current branch main has no upstream branch. To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use git push --set-upstream origin main  Quick solution, instead run the command git push origin mainAnd the response will push what you were attempting to do Enumerating objects: 34, done. Counting objects: 100% (34/34), done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads Compressing objects: 100% (19/19),...
Andrew Fletcher
Had the situation where you are running composer however, the scripts stops with...
Andrew Fletcher
In this woalk through I am going to use GitHub.  However, the steps are...
Andrew Fletcher
While working with lando, I had the following error ERROR: for safs_appserver_1...
Andrew Fletcher
Let say in composer.json you have "drupal/core-recommended": "^9.2" You're...