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Andrew Fletcher
A summary of Node package commands Short cut commands npm install <package> npm i <package>npm install --save <package> npm i -S <package>npm install --save-dev <package> npm i -D <package>npm install --global <package> npm i -G <package>npm test npm t  Update and outdated Use outdated to discover dependencies that are out of date npm outdatedUse update to perform safe dependency upgrades npm updateUse install <packagename>@latest to...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating NPM packages using npm update and I'm seeing the following response npm...
Andrew Fletcher
Find by file name To perform a find command in terminal use find / -name...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently, I have a situation where I have two repositories.  The first is...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to do a git push, are you getting the following...
Andrew Fletcher
In this woalk through I am going to use GitHub.  However, the steps are similar to a Bitbucket profile.  Logged in to your GitHub account, click your profile icon, located (at the time of this writing) on the top right corner.  Select Settings Click SSH and GPG Keys Click Add New SHH KeyA new page will open  requiring Title Key Type a title that represents the project you are working on. Open your terminal application and enter the command ls -al ~/.sshThe period...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently I'm working through an app that has been abandoned by the developers....
Andrew Fletcher
Wanting to create a new repository on GitHub, add in a few of the available...
Andrew Fletcher
Step 1: Install Homebrew Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. As...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on a new CentOS 7 server, Node wasn't installed.  You can...
Andrew Fletcher
I started out with a simple task... install Tailwindcss.  What unfolded is something that many of us have experienced time and time again. For anyone that has completed this task before knows that through shell the command is # Using npm npm install tailwindcssHowever, before doing so I wanted to check the version of node on the server and in Plesk.  The shell command node -v was showing v7.10.1 whereas in Plesk v10.16.0.  Not great being a few versions behind....
Andrew Fletcher
As a process I apply patches locally first, then using git upload the update(s)...
Andrew Fletcher
To create a .pem file, is quick once you have your .p12 certificate.  I...