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Andrew Fletcher
This page will be a progressive outline of moving those regular run scripts that really need to be automated.  Or triggered by a keyword. These scripts are rsync commands   The initial scripts production environment sudo rsync -aur staging/{project}/config drupal cd drupal sudo chown -R www-data:www-data config cd .. sudo rsync -aur staging/{project}/core drupal cd drupal sudo chown -R www-data:www-data core cd .. sudo rsync -aur staging/{project}/modules drupal cd drupal sudo chown...
Andrew Fletcher
Like many devs at the moment, looking for log4j2 on your server... how to...
Andrew Fletcher
The purple warning notification of annoyance recently came my way!  I...
Andrew Fletcher
Building a contact list using SwiftUI has many challenges. One challenge is...
Andrew Fletcher
While I have posted an article about how to POST an image using REST in Drupal...