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Andrew Fletcher
A summary of Node package commands Short cut commands npm install <package> npm i <package>npm install --save <package> npm i -S <package>npm install --save-dev <package> npm i -D <package>npm install --global <package> npm i -G <package>npm test npm t  Update and outdated Use outdated to discover dependencies that are out of date npm outdatedUse update to perform safe dependency upgrades npm updateUse install <packagename>@latest to...
Andrew Fletcher
Logging into the server, and there are packages to be updated.  You know...
Andrew Fletcher
The challenge I was facing, I had written a script to scan barcodes and use...
Andrew Fletcher
Wanting to create a new repository on GitHub, add in a few of the available...
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst working through an edit person view in a SwiftUI project, I experienced...
Andrew Fletcher
When managing a navigation title in Swift, you will have trodden down the path.  Previously you have entered something like .navigationTitle("Title")If you wanted to alter the font used for the navigation area, alter the init() in the view: struct YourView: View { // ... code ... // init() { // Use this if NavigationBarTitle is with large font UINavigationBar.appearance().largeTitleTextAttributes = [.font : UIFont(name: "Georgia-Bold", size: 20)!] } ...
Andrew Fletcher
Struggling to hide the SwiftUI separators in a List or Form?    The...
Andrew Fletcher
Core Data - customising our data model When you are using Core Data, and let's...
Andrew Fletcher
In SwiftUI, has made creating a list of item very easy.  If...
Andrew Fletcher
I attempted the run command and the response I had was succeeded, but then...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Laravel, I needed to loop through an array and know whether the current loop was odd or even row.  To do this add the expression to your Twig file: {% set direction = loop.index0 is odd ? 'left' : 'right' %}In the call above, the variable direction is set to either left or right depending on the value of the position of the loop row (loop.index0).  I then used the left or right value in a div class adding to a series of tailwind css definitions.  Such...
Andrew Fletcher
Step 1: Install Homebrew Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. As...
Andrew Fletcher
Working with buttons To begin, what is a button in SwiftUI? struct MainView:...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up the mail configuration in October CMS is a quick progress....
Andrew Fletcher
Working on a new CentOS 7 server, Node wasn't installed.  You can...