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Andrew Fletcher
Recently I have been investigating one of my Linux server's speed using the copy [cp] command.  This came about due to 'upgrading' the server from Centos 6 to 7.  Once I had migrated a domain, I ran the following command yes | cp -rf 'stg/core' 'tmpdir'To my surprise, the first run of this command took over 38 minutes to complete.  Crap!  Yes a simple cp -a command is a very painful and slow process.  Read more about the pain and times under Centos 7 in this...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Laravel, I needed to loop through an array and know whether the...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up the mail configuration in October CMS is a quick progress....
Andrew Fletcher
Creating a new account in Mail on OSX Big Sur (11.2) and complete the required...
Andrew Fletcher
Images For some time, when looking for images online for your app or site I have...
Andrew Fletcher
iOS localization on the fly If you have added languages to your app... shortly afterwards you'll be getting yourself knee deep in changing the language on the fly.  Followed by the question – how do you change the language of the app without having to restart the app?  To change the language of the app there are a couple of key steps involved: Adding / managing languages Managing the app bundle By the way I have added to GitHub a demo app - switch languages showing how...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding an image via RESTUI can be done in a snap... once you know how!  I...
Andrew Fletcher
Common commands Themes and plugins have similar command lines.  So rather...
Andrew Fletcher
At times while developing in October CMS, you will perform a step that kills the...
Andrew Fletcher
Using October CMS to migrate your site and update the tables with the plugins...
Andrew Fletcher
Whatever you are coding - code clarity is your goal. Before you scream and run out the door, I'm not going to reinvent the wheel!  A couple of style guides on GitHub are great way to start...  github - swift-style-guide (however not maintained) and raywenderlich - swift-style-guide.  Swift team at Apple have API Design Guidelines on how to write better Swift...
Andrew Fletcher
To create a .pem file, is quick once you have your .p12 certificate.  I...
Andrew Fletcher
I had the issue where I needed to filter an array list by a specific column....
Andrew Fletcher
A handy resource list of fonts for iOS: iOS Font List -...
Andrew Fletcher After a short amount searching...