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Andrew Fletcher
Creating a bash script Bash scripts are files containing code that tell your computer to do something.  In this instance, I want to rename a batch files in a directory.  Such as changing:   37351001 - BlueSpotted.jpg 37351008 -SpangledEmporer _ 0133A.jpg 37353003 -Black-Bream_3481 .jpg 37353004   -35 - Yellowfin.jpgInstead having these files appear as: 37351001.jpg 37351008.jpg 37353003.jpg 37353004.jpgHowever, I don't have four files.  Wouldn't be worth my time...
Andrew Fletcher
The cache system in Drupal 9 delivers the API with the elements required for...
Andrew Fletcher
Installing Varnish to increase the speed of the page load. Install varnish using...
Andrew Fletcher
Clear DNS Cache The DNS (Domain Name Service) cache on your Mac helps browsers...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating to PHP 8.1, I found this interesting code stop... Deprecated function:...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Laravel, I needed to loop through an array and know whether the current loop was odd or even row.  To do this add the expression to your Twig file: {% set direction = loop.index0 is odd ? 'left' : 'right' %}In the call above, the variable direction is set to either left or right depending on the value of the position of the loop row (loop.index0).  I then used the left or right value in a div class adding to a series of tailwind css definitions.  Such...
Andrew Fletcher
Setting up the mail configuration in October CMS is a quick progress....
Andrew Fletcher
Images For some time, when looking for images online for your app or site I have...
Andrew Fletcher
Common commands Themes and plugins have similar command lines.  So rather...
Andrew Fletcher
At times while developing in October CMS, you will perform a step that kills the...
Andrew Fletcher
Using October CMS to migrate your site and update the tables with the plugins run  php artisan october:up