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Andrew Fletcher
A growing list of commands I've used and what they do in no specific order sudo snap install bw ps aux | grep java whoami ip addr show uptime sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y cat /etc/os-release sudo apt-get install needrestart sudo reboot sudo needrestart sudo ckan sysadmin add {name} sudo ckan sysadmin list sudo ckan user list sudo ckan --config /etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini config validate hstr sudo nano /etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini exit  Here's a breakdown of what each of these...
Andrew Fletcher
When attempting to install python libraries on my OSX pip3 install pandas,...
Andrew Fletcher
When Solr is displaying results on the site, first step is to log in the server...
Andrew Fletcher
When executing the following command, the response I'm getting is npm ERR! code...
Andrew Fletcher
To resolve the CVE-2022-48624 vulnerability on Ubuntu using Nginx, it's crucial...
Andrew Fletcher
In many terminal text editors, you use find command as reference in Terminal commands - find.  How about find and replace.  This action depends on the specific text editor you're using in the terminal.  Here are a few common terminal text editors and how you can find and replace strings within them: Vim To find: Press / followed by the search term and then Enter. /To replace: You can use the substitute command. For example, to replace "old" with "new" globally in the file, you can...
Andrew Fletcher
The "Too many open files" error in Python typically occurs when your program has...
Andrew Fletcher
You can use the pip list --outdated command to view a list of installed Python...
Andrew Fletcher
In an environment that is running Ubuntu 20.02 Nginx Solr   The default...
Andrew Fletcher
Snapshot of the error File...
Andrew Fletcher
To begin, note that Lando is often used for web development and it may not be optimised for running long-running Python scripts or applications.  It's primarily designed to host web services, so if you have specific Python development requirements, you might want to consider using a dedicated Python development environment or container.  However, Lando can be useful for running Python scripts in the context of web development projects. To run Python within a Lando environment, you can...
Andrew Fletcher
You can perform the following steps: Check Apache Modules Apache Struts 2 is...
Andrew Fletcher
Lando is a development environment tool that makes it easier to set up and...
Andrew Fletcher
The error message "RuntimeError: Directory 'static/' does not exist" typically...
Andrew Fletcher
It seems like you're using the CharacterTextSplitter class from the tiktoken...