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Andrew Fletcher
Installing PHP on OSX and it installed PHP 8.2.x.  However, for my applications I need to run 8.1.x.  How do you switch the current PHP version?   Current version Check the current PHP version by executing the command php -vResponse: PHP 8.2.2 (cli) (built: Feb 5 2023 12:38:16) (NTS) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v4.2.2, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v8.2.2, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies  Unlink PHP To change your PHP version, begin...
Andrew Fletcher
Regular commands for brew   Brew update This updates Homebrew itself....
Andrew Fletcher
The challenge I was facing, I had written a script to scan barcodes and use...
Andrew Fletcher
In terminal I ran a regular command - compose update.  Something I've...
Andrew Fletcher
Wanting to create a new repository on GitHub, add in a few of the available...
Andrew Fletcher
A recent attempt to run an update composer (regular activity for many of us), I had a memory limit issue.  This was surprising because the memory setting via Plesk is set to 2G.  Yet through Terminal it was showing only 128MB.  What gives??   The error I was seeing: PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in phar:///usr/lib64/plesk-9.0/composer.phar/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Pool.php on line...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm writing these steps primarily for myself as a reference.  However, if...
Andrew Fletcher
Whilst working through an edit person view in a SwiftUI project, I experienced...
Andrew Fletcher
When managing a navigation title in Swift, you will have trodden down the path....
Andrew Fletcher
Struggling to hide the SwiftUI separators in a List or Form?    The...
Andrew Fletcher
Core Data - customising our data model When you are using Core Data, and let's say that you have a requirement to have an attribute where the options available should be a defined list.  Such as "Not Started", "Pending", "In Development" and "Completed".  How do you create this as an option in Core Data?   Thinking out loud, the practical solution would be to use an enum.  But how do you use a enum in this instance?  As you might have noticed, unfortunately, it...
Andrew Fletcher
In SwiftUI, has made creating a list of item very easy.  If...
Andrew Fletcher
I attempted the run command and the response I had was succeeded, but then...
Andrew Fletcher
Step 1: Install Homebrew Homebrew is the missing package manager for macOS. As...
Andrew Fletcher
Working with buttons To begin, what is a button in SwiftUI? struct MainView:...