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Andrew Fletcher
Let say in composer.json you have "drupal/core-recommended": "^9.2" You're attempting to run composer update "drupal/core-*" update to the latest 9.2.x version. Yet instead you are finding 9.3.6 installed. How do you use caret version constraint for core-recommended?  Caret means "any compatible version" which as of today is version 9.3.  However, if you want to stay on 9.2 you use a 9.2.* version constraint. Minor updates only introduce...
Andrew Fletcher
Running composer on a server... when running the command composer update, screen...
Andrew Fletcher
Having access to a site’s URL in your templates can come in handy for many...
Andrew Fletcher
I want to create a content type that has a paragraph.  Easy enough. What...
Andrew Fletcher
Have you tried to run a composer update script that...
Andrew Fletcher
Since upgrading to Drupal 9.3.0 have you come across this error? Edit mediaTypeError : Argument 1 passed to Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGenerator::generateString() must be of the type string, null given, called in /app/web/sites/default/files/php/twig/61baa150bc5f6_media--document.html.twig_h9bK0We32VfjIKYeac5J1n4Mn/6wcKI-HiereIg8aXE0Znemy4PM0s6woj_Cr2Trl_U68.php on line 59 in Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGenerator->generateString() (line 58 of...
Andrew Fletcher
When you have an entity ID value such as node ID (nid) or taxonomy term ID, how...
Andrew Fletcher
You would have come across a URL string that appears...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Twig, I had to add classes to a pre-existing array.  Whilst I've...
Andrew Fletcher
A recent attempt to run an update composer (regular activity for many of...
Andrew Fletcher
Updating Drupal from 8.7.10 to 8.8.x or 8.9.x has seen a significant change as it has now moved into 9.x.  It has integrated more with composer, and you can be caught by fatal errors occurring during the update process.  One of these errors for me was the php version.   Site version as set through Plesk is PHP 7.3.12 Using ssh via Terminal the command php -v PHP 7.1.33 (cli) (built: Oct 25 2019 11:33:58) ( NTS ) Whereas, composer update was showing Problem...
Andrew Fletcher
As outlined in an earlier article composer php version, when installing the...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Laravel, I needed to loop through an array and know whether the...
Andrew Fletcher
Running a common composer command, post an upgrade on the server to Centos 7 and...
Andrew Fletcher
Building a contact list using SwiftUI has many challenges. One challenge is...