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Andrew Fletcher
These steps are for Drupal 8 and 9.   Export your database Order here is important.  First you want to clear all the Drupal caches.  Then export / dump the db the sql database to a file in your home directory. drush cr drush sql-dump > path/to/your/file/ourpout/sql-dump-file-name.sqlor drush sql-dump --extra-dump=--no-tablespaces --result-file=../sql/db-2022-12-07.sqlWithout having to manually set the date drush sql-dump --extra-dump=--no-tablespaces...
Andrew Fletcher
Docker containers list To view a list of Docker containers that are currently...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in an AWS ec2 environment, my goal is to access the server via...
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: I want to download a table list to a txt or csv file. Initially, as a root...
Andrew Fletcher
Build the PHP base image with apache-buster using the Dockerfile.base Since JN...
Andrew Fletcher
This code is from Drupal 9 back-end for a React front-end via REST API. Working through the output for recently viewed pages... the code structure: <?php namespace Drupal\custom\Plugin\GetData\paragraph; use Drupal\custom\Plugin\GetData\ContentBase; use Drupal\custom\Plugin\GetData\ParagraphTrait; use Drupal\node\Entity\Node; /** * Provides Recent view pages data. * * @GetData( * id = "recent_view_pages", * title = @Translation("Recent view pages Data"), * ) */ class...
Andrew Fletcher
As a web developer, you will most likely need to run local copies of a bunch of...
Andrew Fletcher
On your local OSX environment using Terminal or iTerm you can create a MySQL...
Andrew Fletcher
This article assumes that you are running Docker and Lando already.  Don't...
Andrew Fletcher
Running Docker Dangerous word... I'm assuming that Docker is installed....
Andrew Fletcher
Running Docker and attempting to install a web proxy environment where I'm attempting to create local web set up the consist of Drupal 9 with Composer + Docker-compose + Nginx + MariaDB + PHP8.1 However, when I run the command docker-compose upThe terminal hangs at Version: '10.6.5-MariaDB-1:10.6.5+maria~focal' socket: '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 binary distributionSo my initial question is to check the port mariadb is running on?  Is the port already in use?...
Andrew Fletcher
xdebug - failed to solve with frontend dockerfile.v0: failed to create LLB...
Andrew Fletcher
Create and push to Docker Hub Creating your own custom image... you need to have...
Andrew Fletcher
Resetting Docker is basically following the start parameters.  All...
Andrew Fletcher
Working on an Azure server I ran a mysqldump command to generate a copy of the...