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Lando is a local development environment tool, and it might not directly support the installation of system-wide packages like libGL. However, you can make sure that the required dependencies are included in your application's environment by modifying its configuration.


Here's a general approach to include libGL in your Lando configuration


Create a .lando.yml Configuration File

If you don't have a .lando.yml file in your project, create one at the root of your project. If you already have one, open it for editing.

Modify the Services Configuration

Add a services section if it doesn't exist, and modify the configuration for the specific service you're using (e.g., appserver, web, etc.).

name: my-lando-app
   type: php
     php: '8.2'
       - curl
       - libgl1-mesa-glx  # Add libGL dependency here

Replace 8.2 with your desired PHP version, and adjust the service type and name accordingly.

My .lando.yml file

name: py-ai
recipe: drupal10
  webroot: web
  php: '8.2'
    - curl
    - libgl1-mesa-glx
  xdebug: false
  composer: []
  composer_version: '2.5.2'
  python: '3.11.6'
    type: phpmyadmin
      - database
    portforward: 3334
      user: py10
      password: py10
      database: py10
    type: solr
    type: python:3.11.6
    port: 80
    ssl: true
    command: tail -f /dev/null
     - "apt-get update -y"
     - "apt-get install build-essential"
      - pip install -r requirements.txt
    service: appserver


Rebuild Lando

After modifying the configuration, you may need to stop and rebuild your Lando environment

lando poweroff
lando rebuild

This will stop and then rebuild your Lando environment with the updated configuration.  Keep in mind that Lando environments can have different configurations based on the services you're using and the application stack you've chosen. The example above assumes a PHP service, and it installs the libgl1-mesa-glx package, which includes the library.

If your application requires a different service or package, adjust the configuration accordingly. If you have trouble finding the appropriate package, check your operating system's package manager documentation or consult the Lando documentation for more advanced customisation options.

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