Import a database
lando db-import doj.sql
Enter the MySQL database
lando mysql -h database
This action will change the prompt as you are now in mysql. The prompt will start with
Now change to the database that you want to use
use doj;
If you want to know what databases exist, then run
show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| doj |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
| sys |
Which changes the database in use to doj... or whatever you want to use. Now check the database has the tables that have been uploaded
| Tables_in_doj |
| batch |
| block_content |
| block_content__body |
| block_content__field_app_stores |
| block_content__field_block_visibility |
| block_content__field_secondary_content |
| block_content__field_secondary_notice_content |
| block_content_field_data |
| block_content_field_revision |
| block_content_r__3a90e2b434 |
| block_content_revision |
| block_content_revision__body |
| block_content_revision__field_app_stores |
| block_content_revision__field_block_visibility |
| block_content_revision__field_secondary_content |
| cache_bootstrap |
| cache_config |
| cache_container |
| cache_data |
| cache_default |
| cache_discovery |
| cache_entity |
| cache_flysystem |
| cache_menu |
| cache_toolbar
... |
Looking good.
Clear cache by running
lando drush cr
However, I was seeing the following error
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user '{user}'@'{ip_address}' (using password: YES)
Check you settings file has been configured correctly.
Once confirmed, then destroy the lando environment and rebuild
lando destroy -y && lando start
Not working post rebuild. Checking the database in verbose mode
lando drush updb -vvv
Which part of the response was:
lando 21:43:54 DEBUG ==> process pid5 running /Applications/ exec orwbase_appserver_1 drush updb cstdio=[inherit, pipe, pipe], silent=false, mode=attach, detached=false
lando 21:43:55 VERBOSE ==> checking docker version compatibility...
lando 21:43:55 DEBUG ==> compatibility results name=desktop, link=, wants= - 3.6.99, version=3.6.0, semversion=3.6.0, semmin=2.1.0, semmax=3.6.99, dockerVersion=true, satisfied=true
lando 21:43:55 DEBUG ==> engine is up.
lando 21:43:55 DEBUG ==> docker is running.
[preflight] Config paths: /app/vendor/drush/drush/drush.yml,/app/drush/drush.yml
[preflight] Alias paths: /app/web/drush/sites,/app/drush/sites
[preflight] Commandfile search paths: /app/vendor/drush/drush/src,/app/drush
[info] Starting bootstrap to full [0.88 sec, 9.43 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase 5 [0.88 sec, 9.43 MB]
[info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 5 [0.88 sec, 9.43 MB]
[info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 5 [0.88 sec, 9.43 MB]
[info] Try to bootstrap at phase 5 [0.88 sec, 9.43 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalRoot() [0.88 sec, 9.43 MB]
[info] Change working directory to /app/web [0.88 sec, 9.43 MB]
[info] Initialized Drupal 9.4.5 root directory at /app/web [0.89 sec, 9.43 MB]
[info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 5 [0.89 sec, 9.43 MB]
[info] Try to bootstrap at phase 5 [0.89 sec, 9.46 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalSite() [0.89 sec, 9.46 MB]
[debug] Could not find a Drush config file at sites/default/drush.yml. [0.9 sec, 9.62 MB]
[info] Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [0.9 sec, 9.62 MB]
[info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 5 [0.9 sec, 9.62 MB]
[info] Try to bootstrap at phase 5 [0.9 sec, 9.62 MB]
[info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalConfiguration() [0.9 sec, 9.62 MB]
[debug] Add service modifier [0.92 sec, 9.9 MB]
[info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 5 [0.93 sec, 9.9 MB]
[info] key_value table not found. Database may be empty. [0.95 sec, 10.47 MB]
[info] Could not bootstrap at phase 5 [0.95 sec, 10.47 MB]
In BootstrapHook.php line 36:
Bootstrap failed. Run your command with -vvv for more information.
Exception trace:
at /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Boot/BootstrapHook.php:36
Drush\Boot\BootstrapHook->initialize() at /app/vendor/consolidation/annotated-command/src/Hooks/Dispatchers/InitializeHookDispatcher.php:44
Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\Hooks\Dispatchers\InitializeHookDispatcher->doInitializeHook() at /app/vendor/consolidation/annotated-command/src/Hooks/Dispatchers/InitializeHookDispatcher.php:36
Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\Hooks\Dispatchers\InitializeHookDispatcher->callInitializeHook() at /app/vendor/consolidation/annotated-command/src/Hooks/Dispatchers/InitializeHookDispatcher.php:29
Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\Hooks\Dispatchers\InitializeHookDispatcher->initialize() at /app/vendor/consolidation/annotated-command/src/CommandProcessor.php:145
Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\CommandProcessor->initializeHook() at /app/vendor/consolidation/annotated-command/src/AnnotatedCommand.php:335
Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\AnnotatedCommand->initialize() at /app/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:221
Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:1027
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:273
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at /app/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:149
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Runtime/Runtime.php:124
Drush\Runtime\Runtime->doRun() at /app/vendor/drush/drush/src/Runtime/Runtime.php:51
Drush\Runtime\Runtime->run() at /app/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php:72
require() at /app/vendor/drush/drush/drush:4
include() at /app/vendor/bin/drush:120
The issue is with Bootstrap. Now checking composer packages are up to date
lando composer update