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Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction into setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up documentation. GET a node To get the content of the specific node you require the node.nid.  The key information required in the GET query: URL -<nid>?_format=hal_json; Content-Type - application/hal+json; Nod.nid - noted in the URL string as <nid>. Example using a node.nid of one (1).  So the nid in the URL is <nid> =...
Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction into setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up...
Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction into setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up...
Andrew Fletcher
To POST an image is similar to the other posts mentioned on this site....
Andrew Fletcher
For an introduction to setting up RESTful hal+json refer to the set-up...
Andrew Fletcher
The user API, was originally created under the General Documenation area (see Query - user).  I'm creating a new user API document under the API documentation area. Calling a query To call a user query the details are required: User uid; Authentication credentials The query string is: {domain}/user/{uid}?_format=hal_json See the notes on set up, for the staging and production URLs.  Using the current staging URL in the set up screen, as example of...
Andrew Fletcher
The development version of the app database is held on the staging site....
Andrew Fletcher
The user parameters provides details about a specific user based...
Andrew Fletcher
Do you want to know how to add a node alias in a twig file?  Rather than do...
Andrew Fletcher
Getting Started with Cocoapods Installation Built with Ruby, Cocopods is...
Andrew Fletcher
Having access to a site’s URL in your templates can come in handy for many different use cases, such as determining if your on the admin/people page as apposed to admin/reports/dblog or admin/content.  These three pages might seem to bear on common relationship, however there is at least one.  Users. I edited the user in the admin/people page so rather than showing just username, know shows: Firstname Lastname Email Username However, in making this change I discovered that when on...
Andrew Fletcher
I want to create a content type that has a paragraph.  Easy enough. What...
Andrew Fletcher
Since upgrading to Drupal 9.3.0 have you come across this error? Edit...
Andrew Fletcher
When you have an entity ID value such as node ID (nid) or taxonomy term ID, how...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Twig, I had to add classes to a pre-existing array.  Whilst I've...