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Andrew Fletcher
Using Composer to Manage Projects and if required their dependencies In this section, we're going to dive into how to use Composer to manage project dependencies. Specifically, we'll cover the following:     Installing and Uninstalling packages    Forcing Composer to install the latest dev    Updating and downgrading projects with Composer    Skipping versions and Specifying ranges    Enabling modules with Drush    How to decide which...
Andrew Fletcher
Goal: I want to download a table list to a txt or csv file. Initially, as a root...
Andrew Fletcher
If your Composer project doesn't have Drush listed as a dependency, you can...
Andrew Fletcher
I've recently upgraded the server Ubuntu 20.04 updating the PHP version from 7.4...
Andrew Fletcher
Installing PHP on OSX and it installed PHP 8.2.x.  However, for my...
Andrew Fletcher
Working through and importing JSON data into a content type.   Drush migration commands Check the status of the migration data lando drush migrate-statusReset the migration status  lando drush migrate-reset-status migratable_riverdata_jsonImport JSON data lando drush migrate-import migratable_riverdata_json  Rollback to before the import lando drush migrate-rollback migratable_riverdata_json   Errors What to do when a migration fails?  You will see a response...
Andrew Fletcher
After cloning a site, next you will want to import the config file.  Which...
Andrew Fletcher
This is a relatively quick process, beginning with dropping the database...
Andrew Fletcher
Import a database lando db-import doj.sqlEnter the MySQL database lando mysql...
Andrew Fletcher
At first, I attempted echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_cachesResponse -bash:...
Andrew Fletcher
Error when running ckan.ini init from flask_debugtoolbar import DebugToolbarExtension ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'flask_debugtoolbar'Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example: . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activateThen check your location is cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src  Install flask_debugtoolbar Need to install flask_debugtoolbar, and do so by executing the command pip install flask_debugtoolbar --upgradeResponse Defaulting to user installation because normal...
Andrew Fletcher
My goal was to install a requirements.txt file using pip.  First,...
Andrew Fletcher
In this article I'll walk through the steps I went through to install Solr on...
Andrew Fletcher
Looking to install Solr on your server?  Not sure if it worth the...
Andrew Fletcher
An approach to generating a backup server is using a shell script.  A...