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Andrew Fletcher
Whilst uploading a new version of our Android app, I had the following error display The Android App Bundle was not signed.The short answer is in the build type release debuggable isn't set to false.   How to solve In the build.gradle file (path: android > app) { buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } debug { debuggable false ...
Andrew Fletcher
If you have a situation where either you have forgotten a Keystore password or...
Andrew Fletcher
I had generated a backup of key directories on the server - see Create a...
Andrew Fletcher
An approach to generating a backup server is using a shell script.  A...
Andrew Fletcher
Initialise your Capacitor config​ To initialise Capacitor use the CLI...
Andrew Fletcher
Run the NPX commands to update the app npm run build && npx cap syncRun app with live reload ionic cap run {platform} -l --externalReplace {platform} with Android or iOS depending on your environment as follows Android android iOS ios To open in Android ionic cap run android -l --externalYou'll be prompted to select a emulator (depending what you have loaded) ? Which device would you like to target? Pixel 3 API 31 (emulator) (Pixel_3_API_31) Pixel 5 API 27 (emulator)...
Andrew Fletcher
Approaches to resolving “Module not specified” Error in Android Studio When...
Andrew Fletcher
Working in Android Studio when attempting to run a project I had the following...
Andrew Fletcher
Creating a bash script Bash scripts are files containing code that tell your...
Andrew Fletcher
How do you generate a .pem file from an existing .ppk key? Is putty on your...
Andrew Fletcher
In this woalk through I am going to use GitHub.  However, the steps are similar to a Bitbucket profile.  Logged in to your GitHub account, click your profile icon, located (at the time of this writing) on the top right corner.  Select Settings Click SSH and GPG Keys Click Add New SHH KeyA new page will open  requiring Title Key Type a title that represents the project you are working on. Open your terminal application and enter the command ls -al ~/.sshThe period...
Andrew Fletcher
On your local OSX environment using Terminal or iTerm you can create a MySQL...
Andrew Fletcher
This article assumes that you are running Docker and Lando already.  Don't...
Andrew Fletcher
In terminal I ran a regular command - compose update.  Something I've...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently I'm working through an app that has been abandoned by the developers....