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Andrew Fletcher
Working with Docker can be a rewarding but occasionally frustrating experience, especially when dealing with development libraries and extensions that rely on external repositories. In this article, I’ll walk you through the trials and errors I encountered while setting up PECL and APCu in a PHP 8.2 Docker container. The process was full of lessons, dead ends, and ultimately, a working solution.   The goal: Installing APCu via PECL in Docker The main goal was to install APCu (Alternative...
Andrew Fletcher
Introduction For a while now, one persistent issue has been bugging me: a...
Andrew Fletcher
When working on Drupal projects, especially in a collaborative environment, it’s...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently, I encountered an issue where my local Docker environment refused to...
Andrew Fletcher
The issue – I have a content type that includes an entity reference revisions...
Andrew Fletcher
When building a theme in Drupal, it's often necessary to adapt your site’s UI dynamically based on the context in which a user is navigating. One such piece of dynamic content is the menu title. Achieving this can be a bit tricky due to the layered nature of its routing and menu systems. This reference article will walk you through the process of fetching the current menu title within the `hook_preprocess_page` function in your Drupal theme's `.theme` file.   Understanding Drupal's route...
Andrew Fletcher
Dealing with errors in Drupal development is a common occurrence, and...
Andrew Fletcher
Alright, picture this: you're knee-deep in Drupal 10 development, churning out...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm getting the following error TypeError: Cannot assign null to property...
Andrew Fletcher
Have you ever walked into a situation at work and just wondered how everything...
Andrew Fletcher
The red flag was when I saw the server disk space is showing a site is taking up 57992.5 MB, where locally the site size is showing 957MB.  There is something serious happening here and I need to establish the problem quickly.  When dealing with a significant discrepancy in site size between a local environment and a server, it's important to identify the root cause of the larger disk usage on the server.    Approaches for discovering the issue(s)   1. Analyse Large...
Andrew Fletcher
Extending the functionality of a contrib module in Drupal can enhance its...
Andrew Fletcher
When receiving a logic error such as LogicException: Form errors cannot be set...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding a new service to a custom module and the following error greeted me: The...
Andrew Fletcher
  Continuing on from the Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 upgrade outline written...