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Andrew Fletcher
If you're working with a large codebase in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and need to find specific occurrences of a term, but only when it's a standalone word possibly surrounded by spaces or parentheses, regular expressions (regex) are your best friend. This guide will walk you through the steps to efficiently search for these instances, I'll be searching for the term 'SBT' and ensuring you don't pick up unwanted matches like `'ADSBTCR'` or `'SBT123'`.   Why use regular expressions? Regular...
Andrew Fletcher
Introduction For a while now, one persistent issue has been bugging me: a...
Andrew Fletcher
When working with code in Visual Studio Code, you may need to search for...
Andrew Fletcher
When working on Drupal projects, especially in a collaborative environment, it’s...
Andrew Fletcher
Recently, I encountered an issue where my local Docker environment refused to...
Andrew Fletcher
The issue – I have a content type that includes an entity reference revisions field named field_introduction. This field points to a paragraph, which itself contains a text field also named field_introduction, of the type Text (formatted, long). How can I access the content stored in this paragraph's field_introduction field? In Drupal, managing content structured through fields and entities allows for flexible and dynamic content architectures. One common scenario involves accessing data from a...
Andrew Fletcher
When building a theme in Drupal, it's often necessary to adapt your site’s UI...
Andrew Fletcher
Dealing with errors in Drupal development is a common occurrence, and...
Andrew Fletcher
Alright, picture this: you're knee-deep in Drupal 10 development, churning out...
Andrew Fletcher
I'm getting the following error TypeError: Cannot assign null to property...
Andrew Fletcher
Have you ever walked into a situation at work and just wondered how everything still runs smoothly? I mean, there are deployments with so many fail-safes stacked on a shaky foundation that it's almost a miracle they work at all. The real trick is gently nudging the team toward accepting change to develop a more stable and robust process—something that really lines up with Drupal best practices. In many development environments I've seen, repositories are bogged down with too much data. For...
Andrew Fletcher
The red flag was when I saw the server disk space is showing a site is taking up...
Andrew Fletcher
Extending the functionality of a contrib module in Drupal can enhance its...
Andrew Fletcher
When receiving a logic error such as LogicException: Form errors cannot be set...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding a new service to a custom module and the following error greeted me: The...