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Andrew Fletcher
How do you remove a file from git? Use the command (rm) to remove files from your local git repository git rm --cachedIt's important to note the --cached flag deletes the file from your git repository, it becomes an untracked file in your project folder.  For the change(s) to kick in, you need to commit the changes.
Andrew Fletcher
Moving a Git repo due to a change of agencies   Steps to change the...
Andrew Fletcher
Find by file name To perform a find command in terminal use find / -name...
Andrew Fletcher
In this article I'll walk through the steps I went through to install Solr on...
Andrew Fletcher
Looking to install Solr on your server?  Not sure if it worth the...
Andrew Fletcher
The following the CKAN source install docs from start to finish including solr.  At this point, the site should load but you'll get solr errors.  Make the following solr updates: Go the the directory /etc/systemd/systemCheck if there is a directory jetty9.service.d.  In my situation there was, but if it doesn't exist sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/jetty9.service.dNow review or add a file solr.conf with [Service] ReadWritePaths=/var/lib/solrsudo nano /etc/solr/solr-jetty.xml and...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently, I have a situation where I have two repositories.  The first is...
Andrew Fletcher
Working from the bases that .DS_Store has not been added to your git repository,...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding git tag to your actions. The regular process that I work to is git add...
Andrew Fletcher
phpcs issue in Visual Studio Code, I'm receiving this warning in VS...
Andrew Fletcher
If you edit a Drupal contrib module, the next time the module is updated those edits will be wiped.  So they are not lost there are a couple of options for you to consider: Are the edits worth the contributing to the community?  Yes, you can fork the repo and add the changes for the developer(s) to review; or Create a patch file   Creating a patch file The process: Add the files you want to see in the diff.  Remembering to only add untracked files. git stash && git...
Andrew Fletcher
Changing git push from passphrase?  There are several ways to tackle this...
Andrew Fletcher
Have you tried adding custom synonyms to Solr on Drupal? How did you go? What do...
Andrew Fletcher
We are going to work through two methods of creating the SOLR cores. Variables...
Andrew Fletcher
Adding basic security to your server, requires altering the security.json...