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Andrew Fletcher
In this instance, I'll check the beginning of the string.  I want to focus on the href's that start with /node/.  Which has been added using the variable $catchPhrase. Using the Drupal service path_alias to return the node.nid as follows: /** * Load the node nid from the URL alias. * * @param string $url URL string. * * @return any */ public function getNodeNidFromAlias($url, $phrase) { // Default values. $nid = null; ...
Andrew Fletcher
This code is from Drupal 9 back-end for a React front-end via REST API. Working...
Andrew Fletcher
Working from the bases that .DS_Store has not been added to your git repository,...
Andrew Fletcher
How do you generate a .pem file from an existing .ppk key? Is putty on your...
Andrew Fletcher
To sort through a multidimensional array seems to be a function that I...
Andrew Fletcher
phpcs issue in Visual Studio Code, I'm receiving this warning in VS Code: phpcs: Unable to locate phpcs. Please add phpcs to your global path or use composer decency manager to install it in your project locally.  How to fix You can install phpcs by using composer global command: composer global require squizlabs/php_codesnifferThen in VS Code, go to  Click Code -> Preferences -> Settings Select User Settings and locate 'PHP CodeSniffer', or in the Search settings enter...
Andrew Fletcher
Had the situation where you are running composer however, the scripts stops with...
Andrew Fletcher
In this woalk through I am going to use GitHub.  However, the steps are...
Andrew Fletcher
Oh the treasure of a client coming to you with a site they have removed the...
Andrew Fletcher
In terminal I ran a regular command - compose update.  Something I've...
Andrew Fletcher
Currently I'm working through an app that has been abandoned by the developers.  The client was getting no response from the dev company, when they asked if I could have a look.  The app hadn't been updated for 18 months.  So of course, a product that hasn't been updated in that timeframe is going to have a suite of npm update issues / conflicts.   What is the difference between dependancy and devDependancy packages? When you install an npm package using npm install...
Andrew Fletcher
I installed Lando 3.6.2 and Laravel 9.  When I visit the web page, I...
Andrew Fletcher
First off, this isn't the only method to achieve the outcome of emptying a...
Andrew Fletcher
Changes in your .env file Connecting your app to the new environment you need to...
Andrew Fletcher
Clear DNS Cache The DNS (Domain Name Service) cache on your Mac helps browsers...